frequently asked questions
The N11/N25 Oilgate to Rosslare Harbour Scheme is the improvement of the N11 and N25 national primary routes, starting from the southern end of the M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Motorway Scheme and finishing at Rosslare Harbour. This scheme will provide a safe, sustainable, high-quality and effective solution to the identified needs and deficiencies on the existing corridor. The development of this scheme is subject to the relevant approvals and funding being granted.
Rosslare Europort is the State’s second largest port in terms of passenger numbers and unitised roll-on/roll-off freight.. Significant growth in freight traffic has been experienced since the end of the Brexit transition period at the end of 2020, and further significant growth is anticipated in the coming years as Rosslare Europort’s Masterplan is implemented to increase capacity and efficiency in the port. Rosslare Europort is now a critical link in the national supply chain, and the future capacity and resilience of the access to the Port is critical to sustaining this strategic connection with the UK and continent. Improving access to Rosslare Europort is also compatible with national, regional and local policies and plans
The project will support the delivery of the key strategic objectives of the National Development Plan 2018 – 2027, the National Planning Framework – Project Ireland 2040 and the Wexford Development Plan, particularly in terms of enhanced regional accessibility and high-quality international connectivity. The need for the project will be tested by the level of service provided to transport users now and into the future with a focus on safety, capacity, journey times, operational performance and network deficiencies.
The constraints study and option selection process is being revisited due to the nine year time lapse since the previous processes were completed in 2011. The studies completed at that time will be utilised for the current studies and will be complemented with up to date studies to identify any changes to the natural and built environment in the intervening years. Significant changes to relevant legislation, policies, standards and guidelines have occurred during the intervening period, and the option selection process needs to reflect these changes to demonstrate that the proposed scheme complies with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development. This will also ensure that critical decisions on the project are made on the basis of up to date information and assessments.
The option corridors for this project are initially 300m in width. The option corridor does not represent the actual final width of the road scheme or the extent of lands that are needed. The corridors give an idea of the area within which the final road alignment will be designed. For example, the final road may be approximately 40m to 80m wide. In some instances, the road corridor may be increased at particular locations, typically to accommodate engineering needs, environmental assessments or to address feedback provided by the public consultations.
Subject to the receipt of the necessary approvals and funding, the next phase of the planning and design process will proceed (Phase 3 Design & Environmental Evaluation). The scheme will be further developed within the defined 300m corridor by detailing the design of the road alignment, junctions, accesses, structures and mitigation measures. The design will be developed in tandem with environmental assessments to avoid, reduce or mitigate impacts on the environment and properties where possible. This integrated design development will also allow the land take required for the scheme to be defined and will facilitate more detailed engagement with affected land and property owners, local residents and other project stakeholders.
A sub-option was examined for a new Barntown Link Road to connect the existing N25 New Ross/Waterford road to the mainline scheme corridor. Following assessment and public consultation, this does not form part of the Preferred Scheme Option.
Indicative junction locations are shown on the map. An overall junction strategy and specific junction details will be developed during the next phase of the project.
Subject to respective planning permissions, it is intended that the scheme corridor will connect with the separate N25 Rosslare Europort Access Road project to provide efficient connectivity with both Rosslare Europort and Rosslare Harbour. The respective projects are interconnected but are not interdependent and therefore can be developed separately.
Once the selected scheme option is confirmed, a design will be developed within the scheme corridor. The design will be subjected to an environmental evaluation to identify potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures. The project will also engage with those who own, lease or rent properties and/or lands directly impacted by, or in the vicinity of the scheme. The design and environmental evaluation will be sufficiently developed to facilitate submission of the scheme for planning approval to An Bord Pleanála.
Cost estimates have been prepared for the scheme. A total cost of approx. €400 million is estimated. This includes the cost of construction, land acquisition, design, management, archaeology and facilitation works as well as contingencies for risk and inflation.
Several site surveys/fieldwork and investigations will be undertaken during phase 3 of the project to inform the design development and the environmental assessments. These include:
- Walkover surveys
- Mammal surveys,
- Bird surveys,
- Baseline air quality surveys,
- Baseline noise survey,
- Landscape and visual survey,
- Cultural heritage surveys,
- Agronomy survey,
- Topographical surveys,
- Geotechnical investigations
The upgrade of the N11 and N25 has been identified within a list of key projects in the National Planning Framework and National Development Plan and is also a key objective of the Wexford County Development Plan. The advancement of the scheme through the various project phases is subject to regulatory approval, funding and statutory approval.
Given the extent of the scheme it is likely that some residential property will be affected, and it is possible that a very small number may need to be purchased to facilitate the scheme. Each property is considered a constraint and in so far as possible, the scheme will seek to avoid and/or minimise impacts on residential properties. If property acquisition is needed to facilitate the project, Wexford County Council and the project team will engage directly and comprehensively with affected property owners.
It is likely that any lands required for the scheme will be acquired by a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). If any part of a person’s private land / property holding is included in the CPO, the land / property owner is entitled to appropriate compensation. This may also be the case for a person who may have an interest in any land/property identified in the CPO. Compensation will be provided in accordance with CPO legislation. An independent guide to the CPO process and the legislation is provided by the Citizens Information Website.
A planning corridor for the preferred scheme option will remain in place and will be further refined subject to progress of the planning process of the scheme.
As some planning applications may affect the scheme, all relevant planning applications will be reviewed and each application will be considered on a case by case basis and a considered opinion will be formed in relation to the potential impact on the scheme.
The status of bypassed sections of national road has not yet been decided. Generally bypassed sections of national roads are reclassified to regional or local roads following the completion of new sections of the national route.
The scheme will incorporate active travel facilities. These may incorporate dedicated online and/or offline facilities integrated with separate existing or planned active travel projects with the aim of developing a high-quality and highly integrated active travel network that is safe, connected, comfortable and attractive.
Current policies set ambitious targets for modal shift from private to public transport in order to develop a sustainable transport network, and potential public transport alternatives to road-based options have been studied as part of this option selection process. The contribution that enhanced public transport services could make in the overall development of the scheme form part of the further development f the scheme, and the potential for multi-modal services will also be examined.
Public participation is an important and integral part of the development of the project and is specifically catered for at various stages during its development. Meaningful engagement is important to ensure that those with an interest in, or potentially impacted by the scheme are kept fully informed and that their vital feedback taken into account. A number of public consultation events and other stakeholder engagements will proceed during the development of the project. This process will provide an opportunity for the public to highlight any views or special interests to be taken into account in developing the scheme. Public views and feedback will play an important role as the scheme develops. The Project Team will consider inputs from members of the public, such as submissions received through the public consultation process, or identification of local issues.
Yes, should there be any comments or observations on the selected scheme option that may inform the further development of the scheme, they can be submitted via the contact points provided below.
FAQ's from Previous Phase
The Study Area is the defined area under consideration within which potential options for the development of the scheme will be identified, developed, and assessed. Defining the Study Area is one of the earliest and most significant aspects of the option selection process. The Study Area should be large enough to encompass all scheme options that may be potentially feasible but not so large as to unnecessarily include large areas that realistically will not be directly impacted by the project.
The development of the study area is cyclical in nature as the findings of the constraints study and public consultations may instigate a re-evaluation of its extent. Also, as options are developed if it is found that there are potentially viable options outside the study area it can be reviewed and amended if necessary.
Once a study area has been defined all constraints within the area are identified to inform the identification of feasible scheme options and to facilitate the systematic assessment of the potential impacts associated with the options.
A constraint is something that could impose a limit or restriction on the development of the project or impede its progress. Constraints may be divided into three principal categories, namely:
- Natural Constraints -naturally occurring landscapes and features, including underground features e.g. mountains, rivers, aquifers, conservation areas;
- Artificial Constraints -forming part of the built environment including underground features e.g. housing, schools, community facilities, groundwater wells, landfills, services and utilities, roads, rail, walking and cycle trails, archaeology and cultural heritage;
- External Constraints –planning and environmental legislation and guidelines, design standards, policy, procedural, financial, and legal issues.
The Constraints Study identifies the nature and extent of constraints within the Study Area, at an appropriate level of detail. These constraints are then documented and mapped so that potential scheme options can be developed to take account of such constraints. The public consultation process is an important part of the constraints study as it allows the study team to garner local knowledge and information on constraints.
Scheme options have been developed taking account of the constraints that have been identified within the Study Area. The initial development of scheme options is guided by a number of factors including the following:
- Options that are responsive to identified problems and objectives;
- Options that are noticeably different and offer different choices;
- Options that are developed with environmental, safety and social considerations in mind from the start;
- The adoption of an incremental approach to the development of options. Such an incremental approach in this case involves options that encompass the continued use of the existing road corridor, investment to improve the existing road corridor and the development of a new road corridor.
Feedback obtained from the public consultation and ongoing surveys and environmental/engineeringassessments will be considered by the Project Team and, if appropriate, option corridors may be adjusted. Optioncorridors are initially typically shown 300m in width to allow for adjustments to route options as described above. The adjustments to the route alignment options will generally occur within the option corridorbut in some instances the option corridormay need to be increased.
The scheme options are to some extent interchangeable. Combinations of different sections of option corridorsmay also be examined if it is thought such combinations of sections could result in a better overall scheme.
The project team is now engaging with the public on the finding of the constraints study and the scheme options that have been identified. All feedback received will be considered by the project team and a Post-Consultation Report will be published on the project website. This report will summarise the consultation process and the matters raised during the consultation.
The scheme options are then assessed taking into account the comments and submissions received, After the initial scheme options are assessed under the headings ‘Engineering’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Economy’, some options may be eliminated and the remaining options are further assessed under the following criteria; ‘Economy’, ‘Safety’, ‘Environment’, ‘Accessibility and Social Inclusion’, ‘Integration’ and ‘Physical Activity’. If the initial assessment results in the creation of options which are significantly different to those presented at the initial public consultation, a second public consultation may be held.
An Option Selection Report is then prepared which presents the assessment and findings of the option selection process and identifies the preferred scheme option. The Option Selection Report and the preferred scheme option will be also presented to the public for information.
any questions? contact us
Project Liaison Office
N11/N25 Oilgate to Rosslare Harbour Scheme
Wexford County Council
Newtown Road
Y35 WY93
053 923 2358
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